- Le 12-07-2023
Here's an old trick I learnt a long time ago playing a game on the circuit with a Scottish pro.
That day it was raining halberds, and it was impossible to keep the grips dry, even with all the experience of the caddie.This Scottish player (whose name I can't remember) had wrapped a threaded handkerchief around the grip, and he didn't try to wipe his clubs any more, it gripped well when soaked. I tried it later, of course, and found it to be effective. Be careful though, the thicker grip freezes the hands a little and the ball tends to go a little further to the right.
Today there are synthetic rain gloves that are very effective, but we don't always think about buying them.So when it's raining cats and dogs on a competition day, there are 3 solutions: rain gloves, a thin handkerchief made of thread, or a day of backache and TV.
Good golf to you all.
Vincent Trojani