- Le 20-03-2022
Dear Golf friends,
Little by little the sun is coming back and spring is just around the corner.
This winter has been particularly cold with a month of January where temperatures were regularly below 0°c and somedays deep in fog! Makes lovely photos but far from perfect for a game of golf!
We all hope that the sanitary situation will improve over the next coming months but to date we have had no communication from the government or the French Golf Federation on this subject. So status quo for the moment but we will not fail to inform you as soon as we have any news.
I would like to remind you that on Sunday 27th March the elections of the board of your sports association will take place. Please note that to be able to participate you must be up to date with your golf membership fee, your licence fee and the sports association fee!
As far as the golf team is concerned, we are pleased to welcome Archimède Bonecher, our new sports manager on a permanent contract and Aymée Casagrande, golf receptionist on a temporary contract for the season. Alice who is expecting a baby in April will be on maternity leave until the end of June.
A bientôt!