- Le 22-09-2022
Hello everyone, It is with great pleasure that I announce the return of the Saturday group lessons (from 10am to 11am) on Saturday 24th September as well as the golf school on Saturday 1st October and Wednesday 5th October.
Also, as you may already be aware, I have always made a point of equipping children for free whenever possible. There is however a turnover of young players, so if you have any old clubs lying around in the garage and are thinking of throwing them away, it would be much appreciated if you could give them to me.
It would make some youngsters very happy. Technique: putting, art or exact science?
I think we can say that it is an art based on science. Indeed, the best putters in the world have one thing in common, in addition to a faultless mental state, a perfect ball roll and therefore a very good dosage.
This roll can be measured scientifically with a tool in my possession. You have to hit the ball on a certain upward trajectory, with a certain club opening...
Good golf and hope to see you soon, Vincent